Monday, March 3

Have you heard God's voice recently? Have you heard Him say "I'm pleased with you"? When you make a right choice when you knew the contrary would displease Him, it makes all that difference in a day. When you make the wrong choice and trip over one of those devil traps, but go back to Him as soon as you're conscious of the mistake, He covers you with forgiveness and washes you guiltless. Have you heard Him whisper "I love you, child" lately?

When you don't hear Him, you don't feel a thing, not a trace of His presence or His grace, pause and search your heart, is He number one? Has something come in between? When you've experienced romance with Him, when all is well and you've been chasing Him, but He disappears for a while. Don't give up, He's watching if you'd come closer still. Till you're desperate.

We can spend all day at our computers, in our books, in bed, before the TV, with our close ones, but remember the One who gives and allows us all those, and love yourself, really love yourself, by spending time with Him.