Tuesday, September 8

to you with love

Remember how you used to dedicate your blog segments to certain people especially on their birthdays? Here's one from me :)

Firstly, thank God for you! Getting to know you and who you are deep down has been such a blessing to me 'cos you're so beautiful as a person, strengths and flaws. You exude a warmth that comforts me and tells me your heart is open to know and there are no barriers up to restrict and wear me out from pursuing this friendship- thank you. You're a raw example of someone who's kept her heart tender and childlike, something I admire a lot, and we both know how important that is, how often it is threatened. So on this birthday, I especially celebrate that with you. You're definitely someone I wanna be standing beside with when He comes. :) Praise God for His abounding love and grace in your life, so evident. Love you dearly..