Saturday, November 3

Exactly ONE month to marathon---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you feel the tension?

hehe. can be an adidas ad eh? or at least something Standard Chartered could use other than all those motivating ones they have which almost always leave a sigh to the one who has not trained enough and lacks confidence in her physical ability let alone capability. sniff. God, help me.
and YES, HE WILL. many people may think i'm stubborn but it's a choice made with His affirmation, His thumbs-up. my elder brother Simon smsed me one day and asked if i signed up which i hadn't then, and he sounded worried after i replied "maybe not". I gave thought to it and finally i came to a point in my heart where i really wanted to be there for my brother, even though he'll definitely finish before me and we may not run together (well, maybe the start when we'll say all the best to each other and then he'll trail off 'cos he's much faster), and that made me more inclined to join. But the deciding factor was God's go-ahead.

So i trust, YES, that i'll do fine. so cheer me on ok! no worried looks! everyone has different journeys, this is just part of mine and glad i can share it with you.
"my confidence since my youth" - the Living, Almighty GOD.