Tuesday, April 8

An Invitation

Here's the deal: Who wants to conquer MacRitchie with me?

I'm itching for a 4km+ there. It's been a while since i ran in and around that forested area. That place holds special memories for me since my sec school days.

I'm a slow coach but I run with a consistent speed and sometimes sprint the last stretch just for a kick.

I won't give up unless under unforeseen circumstances such as major stomachache, cramps, etc., or unless you're suffering from boredom of RMM, Repetitive Muscular Motion.

I'd love your company if you'd choose me. *blink blink*

Am I your perfect date?

hahhaahha... can pass or not? I think i'm not too bad an advertiser. Practising to use persuasive language in one of my courses now. But really i mean it... haha, MacRitchie anyone?